Today, the Honorable Stuart Robert MP Minister for the NDIS, addressed the National Press Club of Australia. Minister Robert’s detailed the Government’s plan to improve the #NDIS, including from 1 July 2020 the aim to remove the distinction between core and capacity building so that participants can use plan funding more flexibly.

The 6 point plan focuses on:
1. Quicker access and quality decision-making
2. Increased engagement and collaboration
3. Market innovation and improved technology
4. A financially sustainable scheme
5. Equitable and consistent decisions; and
6. Improve long-term outcomes.

Minister Robert also released the Q1 FY19/20 COAG report. In the last quarter:

37% of participants elected to have their plan funds managed by a Registered Plan Management Provider. This is the first quarter more participants have opted for Plan-Management over Self-Management or NDIA-Management.

39% of participants number received a plan funded Support Coordination up from 38%.

NDIS Quarterly Report:

Ministers Address:

Ministers Address Transcript:

#planmanagment #supportcoordination #disabilityintermediaries #ndis #choiceandcontrol