Today the NDIA have released the their 2023-24 Annual Price Review Outcome report.

DIA continues to lobby for more adequate pricing based around issues with the assumptions that underpin Support Coordination & Plan Management pricing limits, however despite this the NDIA have again continued to freeze prices for Level 2 and level 3 Support Coordination and Plan Management. This is the 4th consecutive price cut in real terms for Plan Management and Support Coordination.

DIA will provide more information and an update on the DIA’s response in the coming days and weeks.

On the reports release the NDIA have stated:

Support coordination and plan management supports
Level 1 support coordination will be indexed in line with the indexation of supports determined by the NDIS DSW Cost Model.

– After careful market analysis and consultation, there will be no adjustment to the pricing arrangements and price limits for support coordination level 2 and 3.
– After careful market analysis and consultation, there will be no adjustment to the price limits of plan management supports. The growth of participants and providers of plan management supports over the past two years suggests this market is still viable.
– We have invested significantly in the markets for support coordination (amount claimed rose by 15% to $428 million) and plan management (amount claimed rose by 14% to $228 million) over the six months to December 2022, compared to the six months to December 2021.
– The NDIA looks forward to working closely with the sector and individual support coordinators to develop a better understanding of worker composition and cost structure.

The NDIA’s decision remains devoid of the actual costs that Support Coordinators and Plan Managers incur and are being made worse by inflation running at well over seven per cent.

Further the NDIA’s Price Freeze in no way reflects the impacts of changes to practice standards, introduction of portable long service leave programs, inflationary pressures, PACE Introduction as well and a drive to increase quality.

DIA’s full Annual Price Submission can be found here:

 The NDIA’s full report can be found here:



DIA is a members-based organisation. We are only able to do the work that we do because of the ongoing support of our members. Thank you to all DIA members that continue to support the work we do. If you’re a provider delivering Support Coordination or Plan Management are not yet a member, you should consider joining.