DIA CEO provided evidence at to the Disability Royal Commission, Yesterday, 15/02/23. Mr Jess Harper’s oral evidence combined with submissions and adenda details a number of challenges experienced by Plan Managers and Support Coordinators as well as a number of recommendations which have been entered into evidence as exhibits.


In oral evidence Jess covered themes including:
  • The need for greater conflict of interest and independence of service provisions for intermediaries inline with DIA’s Professional Standards of Practice.
  • Pricing Freeze for Plan Managers and Support Coordination and viability concerns
  • The far too common lack of volume of hours within Support Coordination budgets and the high level of non-funded work being undertaken.
  • An overview of DIA’s Professional Standards of Practice and DIA’s future accreditation model.
  • Nuance around possible future registration structures and DIA’s preference for a well establish National worker screening structure over the current registration process for Support Coordination.
In Submission and Adenda DIA covered themes including
  • Deficiencies in the way the NDIA conducted its last Annual Pricing Review, where by statements were made in the NDIA pricing decision which are not supported with evidence or contradict prior publications by the NDIA.
  • Nuance around what makes a quality workforce within the Intermediaries Sector. A metrix based on competency underpinned by a mix of skills, experience, lived experience of disability, training, qualifications and ongoing professional development.
  • Pricing pressures and Service Impacts as a result of the current pricing arrangements.
  • Our concerns about rouge operators within the Intermediaries market that are not being caught by the NDIA or NDIS Commission.
  • Ways in which the NDIS can be improved to better support people with a disability.
DIA continues to support Intermediary Sector through our ongoing engagement with Government stakeholder to improve policy and regulation for our sector.


DIA is a members-based organisation. We are only able to do the work that we do because of the ongoing support of our members. Thank you to all DIA members that continue to support the work we do. If you’re a provider delivering Support Coordination or Plan Management are not yet a member, you should consider joining here.