Upon the release of the 2021-22 NDIS Annual Price Review (APR) Consultation Paper late last week, DIA has requested several points of clarity from the NDIA. Pleasingly, the NDIA has responded to some of our points and have provided some explanatory commentary and have published a corrected consultation paper.
DIA raised the fact that the Plan Management prices listed were incorrect:
DIA QUESTION: “The Consultation Paper appears to have the wrong/old prices listed in the Plan Management section can you please confirm if this was a simple drafting error in the APR Consultation Paper or an indication of the direction of pricing?”
Support | Line-Item Number | 21-22 Price Limit | APR Consultation Price |
Plan Management |
14_033_0127_8_3 | $232.35 p/p | $227.53 p/p |
14_034_0127_8_3 | $104.45 p/m | $102.28 p/m | |
14_031_0127_8_3 | $65.09p/h | $60.16 p/h |
The NDIA has confirmed that this was a drafting error and that the Consultation Paper has been corrected to match the 20-21 Price Limit. (Download available below).
DIA also requested clarity regarding the statement concerning the move towards a CPOS system:
Original Statement In the APR Consultation Paper:
“The NDIA is in the process of moving from the current portal based manual claim processing system to a real-time claim at point of sale (CPOS) system. It is intended that this will provide one simple, consistent, automated claims and payments process, directly between the provider and the NDIA, regardless of the way in which participant’s choose to manage their plans.”
DIA sought clarity of this statement in particular the NDIA’s intention with regard to a “multi-channel approach” which has been the NDIA’s approch for some time. This original statement appeared to be in contrast to the multi-channel approach highlighting “one simple…automated claims and payments process”.
The NDIA has advised:
“…that C-POS is an additional channel, not a replacement of the other existing channels.”
The original paragraph has been changed to the below following DIA’s request for clarification.
“The NDIA is continuing to improve the way participants are able to make claims. The existing portal approach will be augmented over time with a mobile app (currently in extended pilot program) and a POS system which is in the early stages of planning. These new systems would be additions to a participant’s choice and control. Claims could be made through any and all of those means.”
DIA CEO, Mr Jess Harper, said
“We thank the NDIA for such a quick response and clarity on these two items. We believe that the corrected language brings the APR Consultation closer to the NDIA’s thinking and policy direction. We hope that careful consideration and greater attention to detail is paid to the submissions the NDIA receives as a part of its pricing consultation.”
If you have any pricing related issues you wish to highlight directly to DIA, please email info@intermediaries.org.au and we will have one of our team contact you for further details.
DIA will continue to update the broader intermediaries sector with up to date information on the NDIS and is able to continue to do this because of the support of our members. DIA encourages Intermediary providers to consider joining DIA as a member, to ensure we can continue to support our members and the sector.