Update – 9 August 2021
Disability Intermediaries Australia (DIA) are able to advise our Members, and the broader disability community, that the current issue preventing prices for six support line items to be claimed as published remains an outstanding issue at the NDIA. However, DIA have been able to secure a direction from the NDIA regarding the procedure Plan Managers should follow whilst the issue remains outstanding, which is:
“The NDIA is directing Plan Managers not to claim for these supports until this is fixed within the system”.
DIA will continue to work with the NDIA in resolving this issue as soon as possble and will provide advice once this occurs.
Update – 28 July 2021
In addition to the three support items identified in our original article, DIA has been informed by members that this issue extends to six support line items. DIA is continuing to engage with the NDIA in resolving this issue and for the release of official guidance for Plan Managers. The six support items are:
- 01_013_0107_1_1_T which has an available price limit of $82.48 instead of the published $83.70
- 01_014_0107_1_1_T which has an available price limit of $106.17 instead of the published $107.75
- 01_015_0107_1_1_T which has an available price limit of $64.71 instead of the published $65.68
- 01_045_0115_1_1 which has an available price limit of $568.13 instead of the published $581.53
- 01_049_0107_1_1 which has an available price limit of $554.70 instead of the published $571.00
- 03_040000919_0103_1_1 which has an available price limit of $1 instead of the published $100.
Update – 19 July 2021
Disability Intermediaries Australia (DIA) have heard from our members that this matter seems to still be effecting claims with service dates from 1 July 2021 to 15 July 2021. DIA has escalated this matter to the NDIA. DIA will provider further information when it becomes available.
Update – 15 July 2021
Disability Intermediaries Australia (DIA) have become aware that there has been incorrect price limits available for three support items since the release of the new pricing arrangements on 1st of July. The support items and price limits in question are:
- 01_013_0107_1_1_T which had an available price limit of $82.48 instead of the published $83.70
- 01_014_0107_1_1_T which had an available price limit of $106.17 instead of the published $107.75
- 01_015_0107_1_1_T which had an available price limit of $64.71 instead of the published $65.68
DIA have sort clarity from the NDIA and it is our understanding that this error has been rectified today (15 July) and that the correct price limits should be available to be claimed from tomorrow (16 July) for supports delivered from July 1 for these line items.
If this remains an issue, or there are ongoing impacts from this error, please email us directly at and we will have one of our team contact you for further details.
DIA will continue to update the broader intermediaries sector with up to date information on the NDIS and is able to continue to do this because of the support of our members. DIA encourages Intermediary providers to consider joining DIA as a member, to ensure we can continue to support our members and the sector.